Interior arrangements

Our control of old techniques and more modern ecological construction enable us to answer to all current comfort requirements.

Our team of masons and stone cutters carry out yout project from A to Z.

The company Lafaye is located in the middle of the Quercy Blanc. The name of this region is due to the color of the calcareous stone which prevails in the landscape.

The company is specialized in all projects involving stone.

Our know-how about stone cutting and traditional masonry enables us to propose high quality achievements adapted to your needs and to the size of your project with healthy and plurisecular materials.

We advise you in the realization of your projects of old buildings, in constuction and restauration.

Holder of qualification 2194: Restoration of ashlar and masonry on historic monuments

Heritage restoration

Holder of qualification 2194: Restoration of ashlar and masonry on historic monuments

Partners :

• Departmental Union of Architecture and Heritage
• Architects of Bâtiments de France